On Thu, 21 Dec 2017 12:25:11 -0600
William Hubbs <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I think there's some confusion here. I'm not trying to change the bar
> for ~arch, just trying to understand what that bar is supposed to be.

The bar for ~arch is "end users should have reasonable expectations
that it mostly works for most purposes, especially those that can be
trivially checked for by its maintainer"

~arch will however be imperfect, and there will be issues from time to time.

However, the goal is that those issues are not the "easy to find and
obvious" kind, but the subtle and hard to stumble into.

And I see that as why we have the time interval: Because it gives a
good opportunity for actual real world usage patterns to discover the
sorts of problems that you can't discover by actively looking for them,
the rumsfeldian "unknown unknowns".

Because realistically speaking, ~arch is the stable of tomorrow.

The goal is for it to be stable today.

And when it proves itself ready to be the stable of today, it becomes
the stable of today.

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