On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 03:03:21PM +0000, Roy Bamford wrote:
> > So, I guess this means that the quality of the ~arch tree is supposed
> > to
> > be somewhat lower than the quality of the stable tree.
> > 
> > William
> > 
> > 
> William,
> I've been running ~arch everywhere since May 2002 and had exactly 
> two major issues. They were :-
> Xorg going modular ... which I was aware of before it happened and
> expat which came as a surprise while I was dealing with modular
> Xorg.
> There have been some minor inconviences along the way too but
> problems running ~arch have reduced over the years.
> Nobody should run Gentoo at all in production unless they build
> and test packages offline before pushing the binaries to production.
> Then they can run whatever they want.
> Every Gentoo install is different and very few possible 
> combinations are actually tested.
> By all means lower the bar for ~arch. Say, to "builds and works for 
> me, needs more testing".  The down side is that it will create more
> bug reports and more work, so it may only exchange one problem
> for another.

I think there's some confusion here. I'm not trying to change the bar
for ~arch, just trying to understand what that bar is supposed to be.


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