W dniu pon, 11.09.2017 o godzinie 22∶56 +0200, użytkownik Michał Górny
> W dniu pon, 11.09.2017 o godzinie 13∶29 -0400, użytkownik Michael
> Orlitzky napisał:
> > On 09/11/2017 01:08 PM, Michał Górny wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > TL;DR: I'd like to reinstate the old-school GLEPs in .rst files rather
> > > than Wiki, put in a nice git repo.
> > > 
> > 
> > I generally agree with you that wiki markup is terrible and that a text
> > editor and a git repo is The Right Way to do things (with Jekyll or
> > whatever to push it to the web). But in my experience, crappy and easy
> > is a better way to get people to contribute. When I've taken wiki
> > documents and moved them into git repos, more often than not I become
> > the sole contributor, and otherwise-technical people just start emailing
> > me their contributions (which decrease greatly in frequency).
> Rich already answered this in detail, so I'll skip it.
> > Will it be possible to build the GLEP rst files locally, and view the
> > output exactly as it would appear on the website? I ask because, so long
> > as you don't want to be able to preview the result, you can already
> > write MediaWiki markup into a text file locally. The offline "live
> > preview" ability is the killer feature of RST as I see it.
> Of course yes. However, the exactness of result depends on how much
> effort you put into it.
> The 'easy way' is rst2html.py (dev-python/docutils). It will give you
> a rough rendering with a standard style, i.e. kinda ugly but enough to
> see if everything works as expected. You'll also see the preamble as big
> mumbo-jumbo on top.
> Then, there's glep.py (dev-python/docutils-glep) which adds preamble
> parsing, table of contents and some styling. AFAICS it needs a bit
> handiwork (copying a stylesheet to a relative directory) but it gives
> nice old-school rendering.
> Then, you can just take www.gentoo.org and run it locally. It takes
> a little more effort but jekyll is really trivial to set up and run
> locally. Then you see it exactly how it's gonna look on g.o.
> As a side note, we may also rename GLEPs to .rst. Then, GitHub will also
> provide out-of-the-box rendering of them.

Example of GitHub rendering:

IMO this beats the preview/editing capabilities MediaWiki gave us.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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