On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote: > > But in my experience, crappy and easy > is a better way to get people to contribute. When I've taken wiki > documents and moved them into git repos, more often than not I become > the sole contributor, and otherwise-technical people just start emailing > me their contributions (which decrease greatly in frequency). >
I'd tend to agree if people could actually edit stuff on the Wiki. The problem is that there is really no way to do the equivalent of a pull request or other review process on a Wiki. Either we open pages up, in which case we have to watch them for changes we don't want. Or we don't open them up, in which case suggesting patches is a royal pain. I've wanted to propose more significant changes to the handbook and it is hard to do because I can't just offer one big patch that people can comment on. I could start making little changes here and there but until they're all done it will be inconsistent, and it makes it harder to influence the overall direction. -- Rich