On 05/09/2017 00:15, Duncan wrote:
> Kent Fredric posted on Tue, 05 Sep 2017 07:29:42 +1200 as excerpted:
>> On Mon, 4 Sep 2017 15:16:46 -0400 "William L. Thomson Jr."
>> <wlt...@o-sinc.com> wrote:
>>> Maybe just UI but that maybe to generic.
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_interface
>> As a side question, what does "xui" mean in this world?
>> I went googling and all I could find was "X User Interface"
>> And all I could find there is that's "A user interface to the X Windows
>> System"
>> Are we allowed to consider Wayland and X11 are both "X Windows Systems"
>> providing "X User Interfaces", despite the underlying protocols being
>> different?
> Warnock agree?
> (Tho posting makes it no longer warnock.)  Thanks for the warnock 
> reference[1], BTW.  I knew of the problem but had no name for it, so you 
> broadened my vocabulary in a very useful way. =:^)
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warnock%27s_dilemma

"xui" is a nice descriptive name and gets the point across in a
reasonably unambiguous way. wayland is not X11, but it comes from a
desire to do what X11 does without X11's problems.

There might be a smallish snag with educating users what "xui" means as
the name is not in common use.

"display-server" also serves as that is what wayland and X11 have in
common. It's a long unwieldy name and the "-" might trip over hidden
naming assumptions.

Given a vote, I'd vote for "xui".
Second choice is to stick with "x11-" as it will take a very long time
for all users to forget what x11 is and how wayland relates

Alan McKinnon

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