On Sat, 12 Aug 2017 09:55:02 -0500
Gordon Pettey <petteyg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Alexander Berntsen
> <berna...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > While the PMS perhaps hasn't been an unequivocal success, it's
> > still a good effort with some success. I would be disappointed to
> > see the proposed change, and view it as a bad sign for Gentoo.
> >
> Also, how many Portages are there that need to be managed with a
> "Portage Manager"?

If your asking about alternative package managers, I am aware of 2

paludis - requires heavy modification to environment
pkgcore - does not support EAPI 6, only experimental EAPI 5

pkgcore existed before PMS, and seems like more development before PMS

IMHO PMS was mostly about paludis and not Gentoo or portage. I recall
how it came about and the people behind the effort.


William L. Thomson Jr.

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