On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 18:42:21 +0000
Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:

> Alexander Berntsen wrote:
> > While the PMS perhaps hasn't been an unequivocal success, it's
> > still a good effort with some success. I would be disappointed to
> > see the proposed change, and view it as a bad sign for Gentoo.  
> As far as technical documentation about how ebuilds work (the core of
> Gentoo, but also many other distributions; I have created several of
> my own), PMS is an absolutely amazing document!

I was not suggesting to get rid of it. Said another way,
What is the reference implementation of PMS?

Java has lots of specs, and usually a reference implementation. In the
case where there is no implementation is where companies compete. Thus
would not be in any benefit to assist the other with an implementation.

> It comes down to whether Gentoo is a "meta-distribution" with
> absolutely amazing generic tooling (including portage), or "simply" a
> source-based distribution with an arbitrary package format.

I am suggesting Gentoo be the reference implementation, portage be the
reference implementation of PMS. It should be limited by the developers
not outsiders.

I cannot explain why those who do portage development are not the PMS
authors. As a developer, it seems something is off there.

> PMS has tremendous value, and yes, EAPI is a process, and I am sure
> that portage developers gnash their teeth at blockers stemming from
> PMS, but I wholeheartedly believe that Gentoo, PMS and Portage are
> all better off for it.

EAPI is surely a process, I came across a EAPI=2 ebuild the other day,
and still likely some EAPI=0 in tree. I would not consider EAPI to be a
success by any means.

It creates waves of "wheel spinning". Revising the internals of an
ebuild for little to no gain. If I updated that EAPI=2 ebuild. The
installed result would be no different. Given that fact, I see no
benefit to EAPI=6 over EAPI=2.

> Without knowing specifics I guess I would suggest to the original
> poster to create new tooling for the job that needs to be done. Maybe
> even a fork of portage, at first only used in your (derivative)
> Gentoo distribution? Just my idea for a possible solution.

I am not using a derived distributions. I am running Gentoo with a
massive overlay due to the amount of packages not updated in tree.

My overlay would not exist if I could have returned. I cannot improve
from within thus I am limited to an overlay on top. But I am not
running some other distro or making my own.

I have warm and open offers to be part of Funtoo. None of my systems
run that. All my systems, servers and workstations run Gentoo. Just
with a massive overlay slapped on top.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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