Michael Orlitzky posted on Sat, 12 Aug 2017 10:14:18 -0400 as excerpted: > On 08/12/2017 06:29 AM, Rich Freeman wrote: >> >> My gut feeling is that the change you want is probably a good thing, >> but it will never happen if you can't provide a single example of >> something bad happening due to the lack of a revbump. > > There's an unfixed security vulnerability with USE=foo, so we drop the > flag temporarily. Users who had USE=foo enabled will keep the vulnerable > code installed until they update with --changed-use or --newuse. > > Even with the devmanual improvements, the advice we give is conflicting: > > * If you fix an important runtime issue, do a revbump. > > * If you drop a USE flag, don't do a revbump. > > What if you fix a runtime issue by dropping a flag? It's more confusing > than it has to be: the USE flag exception interacts weirdly with all the > other rules.
Bad example as it's a security vuln, which requires masking/removing vulnerable versions, which will require a version bump in ordered to prevent downgrades if it was the latest visible for a (stable or ~arch) keyword. So the version bump is effectively mandatory due to security overrides in any case, and that it was fixed by a temporary USE flag drop doesn't change things at all. If that security-override isn't explicit in current documentation, that'd be the bug, not the fact that use-flag drops don't on their own require a version-bump. -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman