On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Agostino Sarubbo <a...@gentoo.org> wrote: > Hi all. > > every time that I attach my tmux session to see what happens on irc, I always > see the same discussion about the 'minor' arches status. > Since I joined gentoo(2011) I worked on all arches except hppa, I put more > effort in amd64 and less where I saw other people work on it (arm,alpha) > But every time the magic phrase is that those arches are unmaintained. > > Now, since I work on these arches just to help, i.e. I don't have any business > and I do non have any installation of those arches and the work I'm doing is > not appreciated at all I decided to stop for now. > If your dream is to put sparc and ia64 to ~arch, go ahead, I have no > objections. > I will take a break also from amd64 and x86...let's see how things will > change.
I'm really sorry to hear that, but I agree that the best way to for people to realize how valuable you are is to take a step back and let them see the hole left by your absence. For what it's worth, Jack Morgan was recently getting his sparc and ia64 systems back up, but then decided to retire instead when he saw all of the discussions about dropping the architectures he cares about. Thank you for all of the work you've done.