To back up a bit. I package Java why do I care about Python and Ruby?

1. Its annoying as a user to fiddle with targets, short of doing a wild
card and having multiple versions.

2. Unlike most other languages. Java has support for other languages.
Running PHP, Python, and Ruby on the JVM.

This java package depends on Ruby

Which in working with latest version of Ruby 2.4.x there was an API
change, which broke a Spring dependency

This java package depends on Python

While other languages package just themselves. Not sure I have ever
seen a perl, php, python or ruby package that supports Java. As in
running Java code on perl, php, python, or ruby. At best its optional
Java support.

Java is a different beast, and people run those languages in Java...
And others, Groovy, Scala, Clojure, etc

William L. Thomson Jr.

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