On 14/12/16 15:47, Michał Górny wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Dec 2016 08:30:00 +0000
> "M. J. Everitt" <m.j.ever...@iee.org> wrote:
>> On 14/12/16 08:26, Christopher Head wrote:
>>> On Sun, 11 Dec 2016 16:59:50 +0100
>>> Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello, everyone.
>>>> The Ada project seriously needs help. For some time already, it has no
>>>> active developers (George is retiring), and a lot of bugs needing
>>>> attention.
>>>> The packages maintained by aga@g.o are:
>>>> app-eselect/eselect-gnat
>>>> dev-ada/asis-gcc
>>>> dev-ada/charles
>>>> dev-lang/gnat-gcc
>>>> virtual/ada
>>>> virtual/gnat
>>>> Since the Ada subsystem in Gentoo is practically unmaintained now
>>>> and has only those two packages, the alternative is to lastrite it
>>>> all.
>>>> Is anyone interested in Ada? Any comments?
>>> I notice sci-electronics/ghdl is not in this list. Is it considered
>>> part of this? It depends on gnat-gcc. I guess it would also be lost if
>>> the above were given last rites?  
>> Following this theme, what does the dependency list look like Michał ?
> Well, to be honest I didn't really think it would come to that.
> But if you insist, there are two dependencies:
>   net-mail/topal
>   sci-electronics/ghdl
> The first one is dead and in process of being removed (waiting on
> stablereq of newer alpine). With it gone, we'd also get rid of some
> ugly hacks to net-libs/c-client (and with Alpine gone, we'd even get
> rid of more hacks!)
> So the only real consumer is GHDL -- yet another case when someone
> thought it'd be fun to use a fringe language to implement something
> useful... However, it seems to be undermaintained in Gentoo as well,
> not bumped for a long time.
Thanks for that, and I see you filed a PR on GH to get the CI tests done.

I guess we could bike-shed for a few weeks on here, and put to council
for a final vote in, say, February?!

Just my 3c ofc :]

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