On Sat, Dec 03, 2016 at 06:30:29PM -0500, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> > ----------------
> > Net Total: $50,924.19
> > ----------------
> So from 09-16 avg of ~$4.6k per year over 11 years. 
10 years of participation, 9 of which we got paid for. So ~$5.7k/year.
If we got paid for 2013: ~$5.4k/year over 10 years.

> With that really being earned by people doing GSoC. Not the same as if
> Google donated a lump sum of money to further development per say the
> Councils plans. Only 1 hardware donation.
That's the payment to the organization for mentoring and managing the
students, separate from what the students doing GSoC earned.

If the student's work was of use to Gentoo, then it's ALSO $5000-$5500
per student that we've had in man-hours. I do use that disclaimer,
because I know the integration rate for Gentoo students much lower than
it should be.

2006: 10 students
2007: 8 students
2008: 5 students
2009: 6 students
2010: 16 students
2011: 14 students
2012: 8 students
2013: 6 students
2014: 3 students
2016: 5 students

Total: 81 students.
Assuming $5k/student: $405,000 in student payments, over 11 years.

I don't know how many students we've failed: I do know it's been at
least one (I failed them. Their original mentor had medical issues, I
took over, and they provided a mocked video of their work and no code by

> I believe past sponsors such as GNi incurred costs in the ~$5k range monthly. 
> I would assume some hosting sponsors to be averaging a few thousand at 
> minimum 
> per year.
The cost to GNi was much closer to $1k/month, mostly in potential lost
revenue if the hardware COULD be used for income (it was already a sunk
cost, and didn't have other users). For our present major hosting
sponsors, I believe we're more in line with $250-$400/month, but again
mostly older hardware that isn't of much other salable use.

> Just as an example. FreeBSD is seeking $1.25 Million in a fundraiser with 
> $882k thus far.
> https://www.freebsdfoundation.org/
$1.25M is their annual fund-raising target for this year and last. Not a
specific fund-raiser, but their annual target.
For 2016 Q1-Q3, on the $1.25M, they report $293k in contributions.
For 2015, on a $1.25M target, they reported $657k in contributions.
For 2014, on a $1M target, they reported $2.4M in contributions.

> They seem to average in the hundreds of thousands every year in contributions
> https://www.freebsdfoundation.org/about/financials/
They're also got a good few years on us (as do Apache).

> Always looked at FreeBSD when I was a Gentoo Trustee. Great foundation! 
> Passed 
> the 5 year probation period with IRS, and other stuff.
The Apache Foundation was very beneficial to look at I found, because
they kept superb public records, but also were not hampered by some of
our restrictions about depending on non-open software (they & the perl
foundation BOTH use QuickBooks on Windows for their accounting).


I draw your attention to their last 990 filing:
- $1.2M in annual income
- $858k spend on infrastructure, 
  of which >$400k was marked directly as IT spending.
- $1.8M in net assets

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Trustee & Treasurer
E-Mail   : robb...@gentoo.org
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