On Sat, 03 Dec 2016 16:49:19 -0500
"William L. Thomson Jr." <wlt...@o-sinc.com> wrote:

> On Saturday, December 3, 2016 11:27:20 AM EST Brian Dolbec wrote:
> >
> > I think you will find that ChromeOS is not really based on Gentoo,
> > but built using Gentoo as the base os it IS built from.  It is
> > still Linux based, but ChromeOS doe not use ebuilds and such for
> > normal operations.  But the binary pkgs that build it are custom
> > built using Gentoo's ebuild system and modified package management
> > systems.  
> All that sounds like it is based on Gentoo. Its packages before they
> turn them into binaries are ebuilds.
> > The
> > final resulting OS has it's own methods of updating itself and
> > installing the binaries.  (At least that is the way it was some
> > years ago, last I had looked)  
> Yes, but if you want to modify any binaries etc, you are back to
> ebuilds. If you want to add a new package not available its the same
> thing. They use overlay concepts etc.
> I do get ChromeOS is very different, kinda like Android, you must
> flash images you build. No installing it in the normal sense.
> No matter what terms you use, Google uses Gentoo to build products it
> makes money off. In that sense I think it could give back allot. If
> not in donations, resources (tinderbox), etc.

Well, It does give back some.  I know there are times patches are
pushed to gentoo from them.  Plus we get financial support from them
via the Google Summer Of Code.  It has been pointed out recently that
the majority of our available funds have come from the GSOC.  Not only
that, but it also helps us get new developers to work with and further
Gentoo projects.

Brian Dolbec <dolsen>

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