On Mon, 15 Aug 2016 21:30:04 +0200
"Andreas K. Hüttel" <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> 2) *If* we introduce a "Fixed-in" and maybe an "Introduced-in" field in 
> Bugzilla, which gives a precise $CATEGORY/$PVR where a problem is resolved or 
> introduced, the extraction of fixed or non-fixed bugs might even be 
> automatized. 

+1 , this would be useful, but would need some instruction on use
to ensure people don't just fill it with $LATEST all the time.

The downsides I see from looking at other things that do similar is "broken in"
is confusing, because 2 or more versions can be broken by given bug, and it can
become fixed in a subsequent version,....and then broken again.

Leading to the instinct to write:

Broken In:

Fixed In:

Implying "Ranges" instead of specific versions makes their utility weaker as
far as "bug search" is concerned when one is trying to find "bugs that pertain
to the thing I'm stabilizing" 

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