On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 12:40:38 -0500
james <gar...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Ok, show us a solution based on your dashed items

That's not what were doing here.

We have a bunch of different solutions with different trade-offs, and
whatever happens has to live with everything else.

And so we're discussing them, working out which one we're going to do.

> Nothing is stopping you, other than yourself of course....

My point is more, clearly, you're the most motivated about this, surely
this means you're in more of a position to do something about it.

Its not on my list of immediate tasks, because a) It doesn't directly
interest me b) I have other pressing things to stress over.

I'm preoccupied with making things better within our current capacity
and features.

I don't have the resources to stretch our feature set and make things
more reliable in Gentoo at the same time :)

hth :)

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