From: Amadeusz Żołnowski <>

It is an eclass providing functions to build Erlang/OTP projects using
dev-util/rebar. All packages in upcoming category dev-erlang are going
to use this eclass.
 eclass/rebar.eclass | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 217 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 eclass/rebar.eclass

diff --git a/eclass/rebar.eclass b/eclass/rebar.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9da1340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/rebar.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# @ECLASS: rebar.eclass
+# Amadeusz Żołnowski <>
+# Amadeusz Żołnowski <>
+# @BLURB: Build Erlang/OTP projects using dev-util/rebar.
+# An eclass providing functions to build Erlang/OTP projects using
+# dev-util/rebar.
+# rebar is a tool which tries to resolve dependencies itself which is by
+# cloning remote git repositories. Dependant projects are usually expected to
+# be in sub-directory 'deps' rather than looking at system Erlang lib
+# directory. Projects relying on rebar usually don't have 'install' make
+# targets. The eclass workarounds some of these problems. It handles
+# installation in a generic way for Erlang/OTP structured projects.
+case "${EAPI:-0}" in
+       0|1|2|3|4|5)
+               die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI:-0} (too old) for ${ECLASS}"
+               ;;
+       6)
+               ;;
+       *)
+               die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}"
+               ;;
+inherit eutils
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_prepare src_compile src_install
+       dev-util/rebar"
+# Relative path to .app.src description file.
+# @FUNCTION: get_erl_libs
+# @RETURN: the path to Erlang lib directory
+# Get the full path without EPREFIX to Erlang lib directory.
+get_erl_libs() {
+       echo "/usr/$(get_libdir)/erlang/lib"
+# @FUNCTION: _rebar_find_dep_version
+# @USAGE: <project_name>
+# @RETURN: full path with EPREFIX to a Erlang package/project
+# Find a Erlang package/project by name in Erlang lib directory. Project
+# directory is usually suffixed with version. First match to <project_name> or
+# <project_name>-* is returned.
+_rebar_find_dep_version() {
+       local pn="$1"
+       local p
+       pushd "${EPREFIX}$(get_erl_libs)" >/dev/null || die
+       for p in ${pn} ${pn}-*; do
+               if [[ -d ${p} ]]; then
+                       echo "${p#${pn}-}"
+                       break
+               fi
+       done
+       popd >/dev/null || die
+       [[ -d ${p} ]]
+# @FUNCTION: erebar
+# @USAGE: <targets>
+# Run rebar with verbose flag. Die on failure.
+erebar() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       (( $# > 0 )) || die 'erebar: at least one target is required'
+       evar_push ERL_LIBS
+       export ERL_LIBS="${EPREFIX}$(get_erl_libs)"
+       rebar -v skip_deps=true "$@" || die "rebar $@ failed"
+       evar_pop
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_fix_include_path
+# @USAGE: <project_name>
+# Fix path in rebar.config to 'include' directory of dependant project/package,
+# so it points to installation in system Erlang lib rather than relative 'deps'
+# directory.
+# The function dies on failure.
+rebar_fix_include_path() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       local pn="$1"
+       local erl_libs="${EPREFIX}$(get_erl_libs)"
+       local pv="$(_rebar_find_dep_version "${pn}")"
+       eawk rebar.config \
+               -v erl_libs="${erl_libs}" -v pn="${pn}" -v pv="${pv}" \
+               '/^{[[:space:]]*erl_opts[[:space:]]*,/, /}[[:space:]]*\.$/ {
+       pattern = "\"(./)?deps/" pn "/include\"";
+       if (match($0, "{i,[[:space:]]*" pattern "[[:space:]]*}")) {
+               sub(pattern, "\"" erl_libs "/" pn "-" pv "/include\"");
+       }
+       print $0;
+       next;
+' || die "failed to fix include paths in rebar.config"
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_remove_deps
+# Remove dependencies list from rebar.config and deceive build rules that any
+# dependencies are already fetched and built. Otherwise rebar tries to fetch
+# dependencies and compile them.
+# The function dies on failure.
+rebar_remove_deps() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       mkdir -p "${S}/deps" && :>"${S}/deps/.got" && :>"${S}/deps/.built" || 
+       eawk rebar.config \
+               '/^{[[:space:]]*deps[[:space:]]*,/, /}[[:space:]]*\.$/ {
+       if ($0 ~ /}[[:space:]]*\.$/) {
+               print "{deps, []}.";
+       }
+       next;
+' || die "failed to remove deps from rebar.config"
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_set_vsn
+# @USAGE: [<version>]
+# Set version in project description file if it's not set.
+# <version> is optional. Default is PV stripped from version suffix.
+# The function dies on failure.
+rebar_set_vsn() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       local version="${1:-${PV%_*}}"
+       sed -e "s/vsn, git/vsn, \"${version}\"/" \
+               -i "${S}/${REBAR_APP_SRC}" \
+               || die "failed to set version in src/${PN}.app.src"
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_src_prepare
+# Prevent rebar from fetching in compiling dependencies. Set version in project
+# description file if it's not set.
+# Existence of rebar.config is optional, but file description file must exist
+# at 'src/${PN}.app.src'.
+rebar_src_prepare() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       default
+       rebar_set_vsn
+       [[ -f rebar.config ]] && rebar_remove_deps
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_src_configure
+# Configure with ERL_LIBS set.
+rebar_src_configure() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       evar_push ERL_LIBS
+       export ERL_LIBS="${EPREFIX}$(get_erl_libs)"
+       default
+       evar_pop
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_src_compile
+# Compile project with rebar.
+rebar_src_compile() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       erebar compile
+# @FUNCTION: rebar_src_install
+# Install BEAM files, include headers, executables and native libraries.
+# Install standard docs like README or defined in DOCS variable.
+# Function expects that project conforms to Erlang/OTP structure.
+rebar_src_install() {
+       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+       local bin
+       local dest="$(get_erl_libs)/${P}"
+       insinto "${dest}"
+       doins -r ebin
+       [[ -d include ]] && doins -r include
+       [[ -d bin ]] && for bin in bin/*; do dobin "$bin"; done
+       [[ -d priv ]] && cp -pR priv "${ED}${dest}/"
+       einstalldocs

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