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On 02/11/2016 05:23 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Daniel Campbell <z...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
>> No, lazy USE in this discussion is akin to installing, say,
>> Steam. That requires a lot of packages that must be rebuilt with
>> abi_x86_32. In such a situation, if there was something like
>> USE="~abi_x86_32" (the ~ is just a symbol, it wouldn't have to be
>> that exact symbol), then packages that need that USE flag would
>> automatically use it, and those that don't need it wouldn't be
>> built with it.
> Actually, I was proposing that you'd only need USE="~abi_x86_32"
> if you set USE="-abi_x86_32" someplace else.  Adding a ~ would
> just remove any previous settings - it wouldn't cause a use flag to
> be turned on or off.  You could have a flag like that even without
> lazy use flag support - it could be used to cause a single package
> to revert to its default use flags.  I'm not really sure if it is
> a terribly useful feature at all.
> In my proposal you wouldn't need to do anything at all on a
> default profile to have USE="abi_x86_32" enabled for packages that
> had that use dependency in some other package.  Just running emerge
> steam would cause rebuilds on anything that didn't already have
> 32-bit support which required it.  You'd only need to mess with
> your flags if you had explicitly set USE="-abi_x86_32" - which
> makes sense since you've now given portage two contradicting
> directives.
> Just as you don't need to do anything special to have "emerge 
> chromium" pull in libX11, you wouldn't need to do anything special
> to have "emerge chromium" cause hwids to rebuild with USE=usb if it
> isn't already built that way, unless you had explicitly set
> USE=-usb.
> And of course this should be something that can be turned off, and 
> users can always run -pv to see what portage is going to do.
Ah, I think I see what you mean now. That's actually a bit more
predictable and requires less action on behalf of the user. I'd like
to add that, if we do this, could Portage output which USE flags were
being automatically added? We already have USE changes indicated with
the % suffix, would that be enough in your opinion?

- -- 
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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