On 07/18/2015 09:36 PM, NP-Hardass wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 12:01:48 -0700
> Matthew Marchese <maffblas...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have recently pressed the reboot button on the ol' Installer
>> project. I've been able to talk to quite a few developers one-on-one
>> via IRC concerning my plans. Most seem to be in support of Gentoo
>> having a "official" installer (the biggest concern is appears to be
>> how things will be implemented and the amount of features involved).
>> This e-mail is to fulfill GLEP 39's request for comments (RFC),
>> concerns, requests, etc. Since I'm a little new to the project I'm
>> coming with a bit of ignorance; I know the previous Installer project
>> fostered mixed feelings.
>> If you'd like to review before replying you can see the Wiki page and
>> find the source on GitHub: https://github.com/gentoo/stager
>> To summarize I'm writing it in pure Python 3. It first will be able
>> to create full backups (stage 4s) and recoveries. After that is
>> finished I plan to move on to installations. There will potentially
>> be a web interface UI for it. Others are free to create other
>> front-ends; to me a web UI makes the most sense and would probably
>> require the least deps.
>> I'd like to hear it all so please speak your mind. Looking forward to
>> hearing from you.
>> maffblaster
> Who is your target audience?  New users?  Experienced users?  Not so
> much a comment about your installer, but installers in general, I feel
> the handbook is critically important to helping new users to understand
> Gentoo.

The handbook consists of different sections. Installation is only one of
them. An installer would just "replace" that part, not the others.

> "Greatly aiding the "fresh install process". stager will not
> remove the need for reading through the Handbooks, but rather work
> along side the handbook in order to help users install Gentoo."
> Can you elaborate on this?  I have trouble envisioning an automated 
> installer process that requires working along side the handbook.

See above.

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