Dnia 2014-12-09, o godz. 18:59:22
Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> napisał(a):
> >>>>> On Tue, 9 Dec 2014, Michał Górny wrote:
> > That is *precisely the goal* of this. We scratch <herd/> and
> > <project/>, and just use well-supported <maintainer/> tag. type=""
> > is entirely optional, unobtrusive and backwards-compatible with
> > existing apps. And yes, with just <maintainer/> tag the rule in bug
> > assignment is always to the first entry.
> This still means that you either
> - duplicate in every package dir information that is also maintained
>   elsewhere, like mapping from herd or project name to its e-mail
>   address, or
> - need to do reverse mapping, e.g. from the e-mail address to the
>   project's name.

Sure. But usually the e-mail address is more useful than the project
name. Plus, it's unique so we can use it to identify projects without
having to really care about names, project page addresses etc. E-mail
is the common denominator between all different maintainer types.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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