> > As far as I know the typical way to edit metadata.xml files for all of us
> > is still by hand in a text editor, and I prefer a lot typing
> > 
> > <herd>kde</herd>
> > 
> > over
> > 
> > <maintainer type="herd">kde</maintainer>
> <maintainer type="herd">
>   <email>k...@gentoo.org</email>
>   <name>Lovely KDE herd</name>
> </maintainer>
> to be more precise.

Ugh. Even more ugly stuff from the department of redundancy department.

(Yeah usually I just copy an existing file too...)

Keep it simple. The only result of stuffing more and more requirements into 
auxiliary files is that noone will fill them out completely.

> 1. valid <email/> is much more useful than semi-ambiguous <herd/>,
> 2. bug assignment in order is simpler than magical rules like
> 'maintainer first, herd second unless description says otherwise',
> 3. herds.xml is global, metadata.xml is per-repo.
> Many of us *read* metadata.xml via cat or simple text editor, and don't
> want to be forced to use slow tools like 'equery' to make
> semi-meaningful output out of it.

So the solution is to duplicate all information into every package directory. 

(And if I want to send an e-mail to the postgresql team I still have to figure 
out how their alias looks like or find a package that they maintain first.)

Why not instead come up with a new set of rules (and maybe new tags) that 
As example, scratch <herd/>, add <project/> with a 1:1 transformation of 
argument to mail address.
As example, always assign bugs to first entry.

Andreas K. Huettel
Gentoo Linux developer
kde, council

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