
On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:16:09 -0800 Zac Medico wrote:
> > There's currently no switch for this. However, you can use a a command
> > like this to see all installed packages that pull in your installed ghc:
> > 
> >     emerge -pv --depclean dev-lang/ghc
> > 
> > I've filed a feature request bug for the switch that you have requested:
> > 
> >     https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=529988
> I forgot, we have a --verbose-conflicts option already.

Yeah, that's exactly what I need. Somehow I missed this option,
> > From your results, it seems that _select_pkg_highest_available would be
> > an obvious thing to optimize. This method already uses memoization, but
> > the cache is entirely discarded each time that a package is added to the
> > graph. I will see about making it salvage as much cache as possible when
> > a package is added.
> I've written a patch, and it gives good results. On one of my computers
> with this patch, 'emerge -puvDN @world' takes 15% less time, and results
> in 58% fewer _select_pkg_highest_available_imp calls:
>       https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530010

I've done some profiling with this both patches (from bugs 529660
and 530010) applied. See *p530010*.pdf files for both hosts here:

For performance enhancement I get the following data for
normal (that is unprofiled) runs:
        time    calls
desktop 13%     62%
hitomi   6%     62%

where time — is % less real time for emerge run and calls stands
for % less _select_pkg_highest_available_imp calls.

While testing --verbose-conflicts I found that if tree contains
unresolved conflict, it takes much longer time for emerge to
proceed: +36% on desktop and +44% on hitomi.

Unresolved conflict was created by adding apt-text/dvipdfmx to the
@world: it blocks latex-2014 update. (Actually I just reverted one
of fixes I made earlier in order to run -DNupv @world without
errors .) Looks like emerge tries to build more depgraps to solves
this issue. I'm not sure if this may be a subject for optimization.
Graps are also present in the tarball in "*@world_with_blocks*.pdf"

And thank your for optimizations! They really give a new breath to
my old boxes. Awaiting for them upstream :)

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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