On 19/10/14 06:53 PM, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> the default is still gnu++98

what does this mean, how does it differ from c++98?

> in the older ABI, can lead to a crippled system.

what do you mean, will other packages break too? maybe "may lead to
non-functioning or possibly broken packages". adjust as necessary; I am
not familiar with what may break if incompatible libraries are linked

> However, as c++11 gains in popularity and the number of packages using it
> increase, it is important that users understand these precautions.

what precautions? what am I supposed to do? is there a option to warn me
if I try to do something stupid? should I check some packages on my system?

remember that gcc-4.7 is literally all (standard) gentoo users, so a
news item needs to be clear about who exactly needs to care about the
issue, which here appears to be a small subset of "all (standard) gentoo
users"; namely, those who specifically opt in to using C++11 (or are
compiling such packages manually).

also, strictly speaking, last I checked, the name of the standard is
C++11; c++11 is just what gcc takes.

and maybe some links about what could break if I link incompatible
libraries together would be helpful, since the links don't seem to go
over that (at least apparently; I did not read the entire contents).

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