On 19 September 2014 07:33, Diamond <diam...@hi-net.ru> wrote:

> Lets assume, that I don't want to scrap old ebuild yet. There's no git
> cp command. git mv is just git rm + git add. That's what does it look
> like (usual revbump with git add in reality):
> https://github.com/cerebrum/dr/commit/311df9b04d876f5847416fe5ba699edfab50adb6
> I think that git (at least with default config is a pain in the ass for
> packages at all and we should probably think about better platform for
> portage).

Not necessarily. It tracks copies too, -C

Also, don't rely on githubs presentation of things as being gospel, its
better than nothing, but it falls short of git.

git log -p --find-copies-harder games-strategy/openra-bin/*.ebuild

You can quite easily convince git to pretend vaguely similar files in the
log are sources of each other with the right options.

Throwing "-M1 -C1" in that command will let git find more

Just because "I think git cant" doesn't mean "git cant", especially if
you've not asked "how can I do .... " :)

For instance:

 > git log --stat -C1 -M1 --find-copies-harder

In your repo finds you these interesting "copies" if you look far enough

>.../files/opentracker.init.d =>
net-misc/twonky/files/twonky.initd          | 40 +++++++++----------
>{www-apps/rutorrent =>
net-misc/minidlna}/metadata.xml                      |  16 ++-
>{games-strategy/openra-bin =>
dev-util/mono-debugger}/metadata.xml          |   8 +--
>media-video/{webcamstudio =>
webcamstudio-module}/ChangeLog                 |  42 +++++----


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