On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Ben Kohler <bkoh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As nice at it sounds to just DROP these configs, that option is not really
> feasible considering the way we currently use genkernel in our handbook.
> Relying on the kernel's own defconfig, "genkernel all" will NOT produce the
> same mostly-usable-on-any-hardware result that we now rely on.

Considering that the configs are more generically useful than
genkernel, having them separately maintained sort-of makes sense.
Then genkernel is a kernel build/install/initramfs tool, not a config
management tool.

I'd stick them someplace where any dev can get to them, and separate
them from the genkernel functional code base.

As far as who takes care of them goes - I suggest that this stuff
comes out of the devmanual unless somebody steps up to take care of
them.  Those who take care of them become those who want to keep them
around.  You can't toss out a tool and ask for it to be a
recommendation but point to others that you think need to maintain its


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