On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Tom Wijsman <tom...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 May 2014 19:26:38 +0300 > Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> wrote: > > > I'll give it 48 hours and then p.mask it. > > Genkernel itself does work; so, there is no point to masking it. > > I like the message the package.mask would send to maintainers, but that would be very bad for our handbook to recommend a hard masked tool. FYI this has been an ongoing problem for some time-- genkernel's code is still well maintained and seeing development, it's the arch-specific kernel configs that are unmaintained. And broken in quite a few ways right now. We have a few people willing to spend the 20 minutes it would take to fix all of these config problems, but no one in an official dev seat. None of the current genkernel maintainers want to touch the kernel config part. As nice at it sounds to just DROP these configs, that option is not really feasible considering the way we currently use genkernel in our handbook. Relying on the kernel's own defconfig, "genkernel all" will NOT produce the same mostly-usable-on-any-hardware result that we now rely on. I would be more than willing to whip up a config that fixes this udev issue plus a dozen more, and post it somewhere for review. But I'd only be able to cover x86/amd64. Or anyone else can do it-- load up our existing config into menuconfig (probably against current stable gentoo-sources, add/remove a handful of options to fix up all these bugs. Save, exit, give it to the genkernel maintainer and we're done. -Ben Kohler