On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Lars Wendler <polynomia...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Feb 2014 19:46:23 +0100 Peter Stuge wrote:
>>Lars Wendler wrote:
>>> >> - try to prevent most naming pollution of pure udev with systemd
>>> >> crap.
>>> >
>>> >childish. me don't like pink ponies. pink too much. pony okay.
>>> Riiight... as udev has anything else to do with systemd other than
>>> being uselessly integrated into systemd whereas it can still work on
>>> its own with no whatsoever relation to systemd. But yes, totally
>>> childish...
>>I wouldn't say childish but it doesn't seem too useful to me. It
>>seems clear (at least to me) that even if there isn't so tight
>>integration of udev with systemd today it's reasonable to expect
>>that there will be tight integration in the soonish future, as
>>upstream continues to move in the direction they like.
>>There's nothing wrong per se with a future udev ebuild which
>>applies a mega-patch onto systemd sources in order to get udevd
>>standalone but I think that's probably not the most useful
>>contribution you can make to Gentoo, Lars.
>>Of course in the end you should work on what you like, but in your
>>place I would probably focus on something else, probably eudev.
> As long as it's feasible I will continue patching the systemd crap out
> of udev.
> The worst part always was and still is the man pages as one cannot
> re-use previous patches on them. Whatever systemd maniacs are doing
> there, it's the most time consuming part of the patching.
> The fun part is, it's still quite easy to get udev standalone without
> anything being related to systemd (with the exception of the systemd
> unit files which still can be used with my ebuilds).

Don't oversell this; your changes are purely cosmetic and really
amount to renaming a few files. udev still includes code from several
systemd helper libraries; it just gets linked in statically.

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