
line 16 ("renamed the file to
/lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules") and line 18 ("you can
override in /etc/systemd/network/") doesn't end with punctuation.

Did I get this right? I am using udev to give my interfaces custom names
and I am not a systemd user but to keep my setup working with udev-210 I
have to exclude


from my INSTALL_MASK *and* I have to configure things in
"/etc/systemd/"? Really?

Also, I cannot belief that I cannot overwrite
"/lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules" via "/etc/udev/rules.d"...

Don't get me wrong. Yes, I don't use systemd and I am a happy OpenRC
user but I have no problems with systemd (as long as it doesn't affects
me). But this upgrade seems to affect non-systemd users.

Wasn't Gentoo about choices?

So when it is possible to provide a sys-fs/udev package like Lars
(Polynomial-C) has shown which won't require non-systemd user to use
files from systemd and to do configuration in "/etc/systemd/" why don't
we provide such a package to non-systemd users?
The package already has an "openrc" USE flag...

Remember that the non-systemd folk in Gentoo is doing a lot to help you
(the systemd folk) to add proper systemd support in Gentoo. Now it seems
like it is time to give something "back", => make sure a change required
for systemd doesn't hurt non-systemd users.



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