On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:03 AM, JD Horelick <jdho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My only issue here is that I feel like we should give users a bit longer
> than one month (34 days, close enough) to make this change. In some cases,
> it may require a large, architectural change which may take a while to be
> engineered and organized. I'd suggest making the cutoff for this January 1,
> 2014. I know that impedes our progress, but I feel it provides significant
> benefit to our users who may use seperate /usr.

30 days was approved by the Council after some discussion.  The fact
that this was coming was announced about 45 days ago now, though it
did not include a news item.  This really isn't much different than
any other change that has a potential to break systems, and we do not
routinely give many months of warning for these.


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