William Hubbs posted on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:10:49 -0500 as excerpted:

> If you have / and /usr on separate file systems and you are not
> currently using an initramfs, you must set one up before this date.
> Otherwise, at some point on or after this date, upgrading packages will
> make your system unbootable.

That last sentence makes me uncomfortable, because I think to some it 
will look like more of the same "crying wolf" (from their perspective) 
they've seen from certain quarters before, all while initr*-less separate-
usr kept on working.  (I would have posted earlier, except it took me 
awhile, and reading the other replies, to finally figure out what was 
bothering me about it.  Sorry for the late suggestion.)

As such, I think it's at once too strong, because as we've already seen 
with busybox, there are other ways around it, and too weak, as in the 
context of all the other "crying wolf" some have seen on this subject, it 
doesn't really convey that things very well /could/ be different for 
gentooers this time, because /gentoo/ isn't going to be going out of its 
way to fix those bugs any more.

So I'd suggest something like this:

Otherwise, at some point on or after this date, a package update MAY make 
your system unbootable, and should it do so you'd be on your own, as 
gentoo will no longer be considering that a bug that it must fix.

(Perhaps someone has a more concise version that conveys the same idea?)

Because I think that better conveys the exact change, thus hopefully 
avoiding both the people that might otherwise say "but just as all the 
other times it didn't break for me", and the folks who might THINK it's 
more of the same, when there really IS a difference for gentooers this 
time, as it's gentoo that's no longer going to be running interference 
between upstream and gentoo users in this regard, and that's what has in 
fact been keeping it working for many gentooers to this point.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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