Dnia 2013-08-20, o godz. 13:01:34
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> napisał(a):

> Hello,
> Due to the widespread breakage in the tree noted in bug #480892 [1],
> and mis-design of multilib-minimal.eclass, we'd like to put some more
> work into getting einstalldocs() ready for EAPI 6.
> When it's mostly defined, we'd like to backport it to eutils.eclass so
> that we could use it to fix the existing breakages. But for that, we'd
> really prefer if we had a final spec for it so that the EAPI switch
> could be as simple as disabling the function in eutils.
> Therefore, I'd like to open a final discussion for the features set
> that is intended to be included in it, and it's name.
> [1]:https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=480892

Proposed implementation follows:

einstalldocs() {
    if ! declare -p DOCS &>/dev/null ; then
        local d
        for d in README* ChangeLog AUTHORS NEWS TODO CHANGES \
            [[ -s "${d}" ]] && dodoc "${d}"
    elif [[ $(declare -p DOCS) == "declare -a "* ]] ; then
        [[ ${DOCS[@]} ]] && dodoc -r "${DOCS[@]}"
        [[ ${DOCS} ]] && dodoc -r ${DOCS}
    if [[ $(declare -p HTML_DOCS) == "declare -a "* ]] ; then
        dohtml -r "${HTML_DOCS[@]}"                           
    elif [[ ${HTML_DOCS} ]]; then   
        dohtml -r ${HTML_DOCS}

It's based on EAPI 4 src_install(). I've added support for DOCS=()
and DOCS='', HTML_DOCS, and made dodoc recursive per Pinkbyte's
request. In this form, it's suitable replacement for what's
in autotools-utils & distutils-r1.

It should be noted that if we're to backport it to all old EAPIs,
'dodoc -r' needs te be conditional to EAPI 4+.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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