21.08.2013 12:17, Tom Wijsman пишет:
> On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:57:22 +0400
> Sergey Popov <pinkb...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> 20.08.2013 23:42, Tom Wijsman пишет:
>>> On Tue, 20 Aug 2013 14:29:09 -0400
>>> Wyatt Epp <wyatt....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> What manner of bitrot?
>>> They might ...
>>> 2. ... contain security bugs that later versions have fixed. 
>> There should be security bug on our bugzilla with quick stabilization
>> on it and(probably) GLSA.
> Not all security bugs are visible; the older a piece of software, the
> higher the chance that some people know about one or another exploit
> that the rest of the world does not know about.

True. But blindly bringing new versions into stable(without testing)
cause it POSSIBLY(without ChangeLog notes or CVES or whatever) contains
LESS security problems is not an option. Stable should be reasonable

Best regards, Sergey Popov
Gentoo developer
Gentoo Desktop Effects project lead
Gentoo Qt project lead
Gentoo Proxy maintainers project lead

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