On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 08:17:38PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > I'm not going into review systems here at all, I'm simply trying to have
> > a policy of what changes are welcomed/blocked WITHOUT interaction from
> > the listed maintainer(s) of a given package/herd.
> add a new field to metadata.xml that declares the state.  make it an enum:
>       ANYTHING_GOES   (the default)
I wish it was that easy.

Despite being ANYTHING_GOES on most of my packages, I don't want people
to add giant features like qmail patchbombs; so we need to figure out
something like the Debian NMU listing of what's acceptable.

Does this need to be coded in the metadata?
Does a version bump count as an acceptable trivial change?

> > If they have to ask me to review a trivial patch, I've already failed
> > them. I don't want ANY gatekeeping, I want them to go and commit it
> > already.
> > 
> > Then extending THAT to Gerrit, who is responsible/allowed to hit that
> > web interface submit button?
> have gerrit check metadata.xml and see if the policy declared in there lines 
> up with the gerrit approvals attained.  blam, done.
That's why we need the policies on who/what first.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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