
> I'm open to all input, but here's some initial questions I'd like to
> hear your answers to:
> - How should developers, herds & teams communicate how welcome they
> are to NMU changes on their packages?

The way I've been doing this is:
- packages I maintain through herd -> go ahead and be responsible.
- if I add myself explicitly in metadata.xml this means I prefer at
  least reviewing every change that gets in (with some exceptions for
  trivial changes, like e.g. qt moving category)

> - How do we encourage responsible ownership of changes that cause
>   breakage? [1]

That's something I'd like to get enlightened on. The, probably too
emotional, algorithm that doesn't scale I've been applying has been:

1. ask the committer to fix the problem
2. wait
3. if no fix comes in a timely manner, fix it myself, be clear that I've
  not liked it at all. Be a bit less polite in future steps 1. with
  said developer.


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