On 16.06.2013 03:21, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
>> Special pages and contents
>> --------------------------
>> herds.xml, repositories.xml, etc.:
>> As these are intended for other applications to use, these should go to
>> a new site, possibly api.gentoo.org, initially fed from a git repository.
>> This site should get backed by SSL.
> Here's a partial list of the ones I know about:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/overlays/repositories.xml
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/treecleaners/maintainer-needed.xml
> http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/mirrors3.xml
> Both of these are broken I think:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/perl/outdated-cpan-packages.xml
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/perl/outdated-cpan-packages-perl-experimental.xml
> - Do you know of more?


> - How can we better encourage these to move to an API site?

Not sure what you mean with that.

> - Some of these are meant for human consumption, others are meant for
>   tool consumption, should be differentiate?

Human consumption -> qa-reports.g.o

>> Image resources:
>> These can be uploaded to the Wiki.
> How can we ensure later that the media files don't get deleted?

Deletion is restricted to administrators, mediawiki also keeps old
versions around in case someone reuploads a file.
To prevent even that, we can restrict editing certain assets to developers.

>> Other files and downloads:
>> Until proper project file hosting is implemented, again a simple
>> git-backed static site, possibly projects.gentoo.org.
> Please don't put lots of binary files in Git.

How do we expose that site to developers then? Akin to the mirroring
system on d.g.o?

Alex Legler <a...@gentoo.org>
Gentoo Security/Ruby/Infrastructure

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