Luca Barbato posted on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 00:35:29 +0200 as excerpted:

> To not make this a waste of time here a summary of the whole thing:
> - eselect init will be opt-in for the time being, people can be left on
> their own tools if the want it - the default init will stay sysvinit.
> Discussion ongoing if is better to have it installed in a secondary
> fallback path is open (e.g. /bin/init).
> - I still need to send patches to busybox and sysvinit upstream to add a
> command line switch to locate the inittab.
> - people wanting to switch init or enable/disable init addons using
> eselect init might have to refer to /sbin/einit or such custom path
> (assuming we fail to come to an agreement regarding /bin/init)
> The wrapper in /sbin/init is mostly needed to get to the point of a
> clean reboot.
> The first time you boot on a new system it is executed picking the new
> init and just that.
> For addons such as bootchart2 and e4rat it would do slightly more.

Thanks for the summary.  In the muddle of a contentious thread it's not 
easy to figure out which points have been settled on and which are still 
considered under discussion, so a summary by someone suitably involved as 
to be authoritative can be valuable indeed, even for those who (like me) 
have read the entire thread.

And valuable it was to me here. =:^)

The only concern I had with the above is the one Walter D. brought up, 
that "for the time being" caveat.  But rich0 well addressed that, so... 
I'm good! =:^)

Meanwhile, Walter D: Thanks for your work too.  I'm not using your bb-init 
work ATM, but I deeply appreciate having the alternative available, 
should I find the need for it in the future, and am thus very thankful 
that /someone/ was suitably motivated to create it.  I haven't seen a lot 
of direct thanks on-list for your work, but I suspect there's others who 
seriously appreciate it as well, whether we're already using it or may 
actually never use it but deeply value having the alternative should we 
have need of it, so let this be a thanks from all of us.  It's projects 
like yours, someone seeing a need and addressing it for themselves, then 
simply making that work available for use by others, that form the 
"grassroots" of FLOSS.  =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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