On Sun, 26 May 2013 12:01:19 +0200
Robert David <robert.david.pub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Newer say that wrapper will grow openrc size, and also dont know why
> it would be bad.

That's what I'd like to know from him, I was quoting both of you,

> I really dont know how many user will switch inits and how many of
> them will do this regularly.

Users that would like to compare things, users that are bothered by one
init system and try to try an alternative one; developers that want to
test both init scripts and service units and thus need to change often,
people that would want a specific init system but haven't found out how
to switch properly to it yet. I think there are more than a hand full.

> But the wrapper will be executed every boot. So even a tiny mistake
> can produce booting problems even for those who did not wanted to
> change anything in init process.

One would properly test the wrapper, perhaps even have multiple members
of arch teams test it, before bringing this out to the user base; it's
a very critical matter and we can indeed not afford a mistake here.
That being said, once the wrapper is in place and works; I don't think
we need to touch it often, it's just a wrapper after all. Do other
wrappers, desktop files and files of similar nature we use around
Gentoo change often; I think not.

> On the other hand mistake in some system process will affect only
> those who would actually switching. It is only calculation of
> possible risks.

If you do risk assessment, you should count in all risks; that
therefore also means to take maintainability into account. See my other
mail about what it takes to step away from a loosely coupled approach.

> I also did not say it must be done the reboot way I mentioned, this is
> only and different point what can be though about. 

And we're thinking it through, I don't see why you mention this; I can
understand that you don't necessarily stand behind it though, that's OK.

> > 
> > I'd rather have a clean wrapper that just works than an unclean way
> > to cover the reboot madness that comes along; forcing a reboot,
> > really?
> > 
> I do not see point not forcing reboot when I'm switching init, or let
> say suggesting. When you update your kernel config, rebuild and
> install you also can stay working, but you have to be prepared to have
> nonworking modules that was not inserted before.

My point was that with a wrapper you don't need to force this; the
modules problem is irrelevant to this discussion, I don't see any
problem in that light with the approaches we are discussing here.

PS: If this message ends up in a separate thread, it's because I'm
forwarding it from my Sent mail because there was no reply-to present.

With kind regards,

Tom Wijsman (TomWij)
Gentoo Developer

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