On Sun, 26 May 2013 11:45:38 +0200
Tom Wijsman <tom...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 26 May 2013 11:20:25 +0200
> Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > It is *easy*.
> > 
> >   ln -s /sbin/newinit /sbin/init.new
> >   mv /sbin/init.new /sbin/init
> >
> > Easy and atomic. The inconsistency potential is similar to one given
> > by init upgrades. Yet we don't do anything magical to defer init
> > upgrade until reboot, and that's why the upgrades go smoothly.
> Easy isn't always good. It's not atomic since you can't reboot and
> because of that I wouldn't call it smooth either.

Can't you? How come?

> > > I think that safest way not using wrapper is to stop all services
> > > and keep only mounted /, than change things (symlinks,configuration
> > > update) and reboot. 
> > 
> > This can be done two ways.
> > 
> > One is hacking into init (RC) reboot procedure. It's fragile, it needs
> > to be fit into the right moment and I'm not sure if all inits will
> > handle this without actually needing to patch the code. And in the
> > end, the init gets replaced before init stops working anyway.
> You're making things way more complex than a wrapper would do. I'm not
> a fan of using the words "hacking", "fragile" and "not sure" for
> selling an approach; so, why were you suggesting the symlink approach?

Don't mix the two mails. I am showing how fragile the solution
suggested by Robert is. While you seem to be replying to every mail
possible to repeatedly advocate your idea.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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