On Fri, 22 Mar 2013, Panagiotis Christopoulos wrote:
I'm not sure if it's related, but have you set PORTAGE_GPG_DIR and/or
PORTAGE_GPG_KEY in your make.conf?
Even if I'll be able to configer gpg-agent properly, this will solve only
a small part of the problem. I always do commits from elrond.inp.nsk.su,
it is in my office at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. When I'm in my
office, I'm logged in, and there's kde session. gpg-agent should ask for
my pass phrase, and things should work. OK.
When I'm at home, I log in elrond via ssh. As a rule, there's still a kde
session at the console (why should I start emacs, firefox, etc., again
next morning?). Hence there's gpg-agent running. As far as I can
understand, it will ask for my pass phrase on the switched off monitor in
my locked office. Not very useful.
When I'm somewhere else (in Karlsruhe, for example), elrond is always
switched on, but there is no session on the console. I log in via ssh.
There is no gpg-agent running. How do I commit stuff?
Thanks in advance,