On 01/19/2013 03:14 PM, Ben de Groot wrote: > On 19 January 2013 21:46, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote: >> Maybe lib-qt ? dev-qt sounds confusing to me too, what's "dev" about it? > > These are libraries and applications that are used by developers of > end-user applications. And so is vim, which is used as editor, by devs.
My initial reading of the posted line "categories are foo[-]bar" reminded me of some discussion with archlinux enthusiasts which find them stupid. It all boils down to: Do we want categories or not? Categories are nasty, I always fail on `emerge -av1 screen` which resolves to app-misc/screen and app-vim/screen. Besides the limitation, categorization creates structure, Does it belong to gnome or kde? is it an x11 app? is it an application or just an library? and so on .. We have a fixed number of exact 2 tags (foo and bar), This limitation has proven it's usability in the past of Gentoo, but there are reasons to break it up (Like making up funny points like regex and it has always been this way). foo-bar-baz might be usefull, too. But it's plain redundacy to in insist on *qt*/qt-*. Either reject using an appropriate category and place it as misc-randoom/qt-* or use a category and strip the "qt-" prefix. I'm fine with qt/core, my preference would be lib-qt/core or lib/qt-core. But please don't double the qt. Michael -- Michael Weber Gentoo Developer web: https://xmw.de/ mailto: Michael Weber <x...@gentoo.org>