On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> The thing is you would practically never have to do this. Users
> install apps that have a number of qt modules as dependencies. These
> qt modules in turn cannot be updated individually (unless there is an
> ebuild revision bump), but will be included in a world update as a
> group.

Beside the fact that yes, it happens sometimes that you want to
rebuild only one of them, and doing 'emerge gui' is nasty enough, what
about dbus?

emerge dbus -> which one did you mean now? Yes there's a category, but
that's not a good reason to artificially make it more complicated.

I'm pretty sure that if a consensus is to be found, it is that 'qt' as
a category name, and dropping the 'qt-' prefix, is not seen with
favour by other people beside you and whoever you discussed this with.
I would thus ask you to drop that idea.

Some of us, including me, are also wondering why a separate category
is needed — while you might be over the median, it doesn't mean it's
that much more compelling — indeed my feeling is that it would be an
useless small category, especially if you only want to keep the core
and it won't ever grow. But I won't stop you if it's going to be
qt-core/qt-core as package name.

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