On Thursday 13 October 2011 12:30:06 Arun Raghavan wrote:
> While I've seen a lot of whining about this whole issue, I certainly
> haven't been seen any effort to actually solve the problem within the
> existing framework. For example, if someone cares enough, why not
> write a wrapper script to track down the programs and libraries at
> runtime that actually do use /usr so it's easier to say "these
> packages install rules that need / and /usr on the same partition".

(1) udev has provided a workaround of sorts for this already: udevadm trigger 
--type=failed.  this is the udev-postmount init.d script.  (2) it's fairly 
trivial to locate most (all?) the failing rules with a single grep: grep /usr 
-R /lib/udev/rules.d/.

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