On 19-06-2010 05:20, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> On 19-06-2010 02:25, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
>> Hello.
>> As some people seem to be interested in examples of out of the line tone
>> in Gentoo I feel like sharing an example just happened a few minutes ago:
>>   In #gentoo-infra people are talking about banging each others moms
>>   right now.  I was told this is normal in there.  As I mentioned it's
>>   not funny at all I was told that it's not funny to _me_ and that I
>>   don't have to hang around there if I don't like it.
>> Now that's tone in Gentoo.  Brilliant.
> Sebastian,
> you're confusing talk and jokes between developers on a particular
> private room with tone between members of the global community in public
> mediums.

I corroborate Jorge, I usually (or used to when there was time) hang
there and #gentoo-infra is like a big family. While I agree there is
sometimes a certain tone in gentoo, #gentoo-infra is for sure *not* an

- Angelo

> You're also missing an important point that some channels have their own
> environment and so one should start by understanding it. Furthermore,
> pushing for change and or imposing one's view on an established channel
> is not a "nice" way to deal with the residents of that channel.
> Another thing you've just done and should be aware of, is that you chose
> to air into the public private conservations. When any Gentoo developer
> decides to reveal a private discussion in the core ml or some other
> private medium into the general public without the other parties
> knowledge and or consent, that developer is abusing the other members'
> "trust".
> You have shown to be very attached to this topic, so much so that you've
> just blown this completely out of proportion. There was no "foul play"
> intended in that conservation nor was there any abusive tone between the
> involved parties. It may have sounded that way to you, but there was no
> doubt for the involved parties.
> Please consider that some of the developers in this distribution have
> known each other for years and have their own communication code and
> style. Don't be too quick judging the other people and as others have
> said in this thread, assume others to have the best possible intention
> in their messages, until proven otherwise.
>> Good night.
> Good night.
>> Sebastian

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