On 17 June 2010 02:01, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto
<jmbsvice...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 16-06-2010 16:39, "Paweł Hajdan, Jr." wrote:
>> On 6/16/10 5:33 AM, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
>>>  - With these Code of Conduct rules in place how come DevRel
>>>    is not publicly reminding of these rules where necessary?
>> I think the initiative is on the offended person's side. If a developer
>> is being aggressive and needlessly argumentative towards other people,
>> that's clearly a misconduct. Similarly for aggressive users.
> There is a common misconception here that I feel the need to address. It
> was never the direct responsibility of the Developer Relations team to
> "police" the communication mediums nor was it assigned the
> responsibility to enforce the CoC.
DevRel is repsonsible for solving conflicts between developers.
Apparently I am not the only one who expects DevRel to take an active
role in enforcing the CoC, at least where it concerns inter-developer
relations. If this is not DevRel's task, then this should be made

> There was a mostly silent agreement between some teams, including
> DevRel, UserRel, Council and Trustees, that after the Proctors project
> was terminated, the enforcement of the CoC, including any moderation or
> banning actions, would fall to the UserRel team.

This is very worrying. Such things should never be a silent agreement.
This needs to be open and transparent. This is policy that needs to be


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