On Mon, 31 May 2010 21:12:46 +0200
Michał Górny <gen...@mgorny.alt.pl> wrote:

> * media-sound/wavegain - ${LDFLAGS} before ${CFLAGS}, '-o' after sources,
>       defines after '-o',

Just curious why you're pointing out the ordering of options.  As far as I
know it doesn't matter (except some LDFLAGS where you can go -Wl,--foo
someblah -Wl,--no-foo otherblah and doesn't really apply here).

But I like the idea of the patch itself.

fonts,                               there's a hole in my neighbourhood
gcc-porting,                  down which of late i cannot help but fall
wxwidgets @ gentoo     EFFD 380E 047A 4B51 D2BD C64F 8AA8 8346 F9A4 0662

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