On 05/14/2010 03:45 PM, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> Hi.
> Following Petteri's thread last month about RESOLVED LATER and given a
> issue that has been reported to User Relations about the "ab"use of the
> VERIFIED status in Bugzilla, I'd like to get some feedback from fellow
> developers.
> We have a user that has been marking resolved bugs as verified following
> his actions on other bugzilla(s) and he quotes the Bugzilla Docs[1] to
> explain his actions. Some developers have become upset because of the
> "spam" email that action causes.
> It seems to me the reason those developers got upset is that they don't
> value the VERIFIED status so I wonder if anyone uses that status or if
> we should just drop it. If possible and useful, would we like to
> restrict the VERIFIED status change to a specific group of people?
> Please share your thoughts on this so we can decide how to act on this case.

I'd like to see the whole thing go away. It's this one user I've pretty
much ever seen using it. And he's using it to change "RESOLVED" status
to "VERIFIED" on e.g. removal bugs, stabilization bugs, keywording bugs...

Now I try to read the bugmail even for old removed packages by e.g.
treecleaners, there actually might be something useful, like a comment
that the project got resurrected and could be restored to portage.

But then I just find every second mail to be these "VERIFIED" changes...
don't know about you... but to me, it's very frustrating.

Well, it wouldn't be so frustrating if the user just stopped doing it,
but he doesn't... even when asked. So that adds up to my frustration a
bit here.

So far I've found 2 hacks that could serve the purpose:

I could procmail all mail from this one user to spam folder, but that
just solves it for this one time, only for me, and only for the one
users actions. Also i'd be missing any useful mails from him. So that
doesn't sound like a solution.


Then I could disable the whole mail sending of that resolution change
from bugzilla's settings, but I couldn't find a way to fine-grain in a
way so only "VERIFIED" mails get ignored. So no solution there either.

>  [1] - http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.4/en/html/lifecycle.html

Looks nice on paper if you put it like that, but not really how it's
working for us in reality.

(Sorry for any spelling errors, I hope my message got a across)

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