On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 04:50:23PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> what exactly does this "lib32" do ?  naming USE flags according to specific 
> ABI implementations is a bad idea.  you have to forget special casing 
> anything 
> to "lib32 vs lib64".  amd64, while the most common, is hardly extensible.  we 
> must handle multiple ABIs which easily might have the same bitsize.
The canonical example for this does still remain MIPS I believe.

The most common ABIs in MIPS are:
o32, n32 - Both in Gentoo releases
n64 - Was experimentally done in Gentoo 
o64, eabi, meabi, nubi - Not sure if they were were ever released in any way.

Crossdev DOES support the full swath of these last I checked it.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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