Let me introduce a nice project, which was started by some users:

Since the emul-linux-x86-* packages for 32bit libs for amd64 users are neither 
easy to maintain nor
up-to-date, some users started to implement an eclass, which allows to build 
requested libs with
additional 32bit support. Later i joined them and helped them improving it a 
bit, but it was and
still is mainly their project, they do the main work keeping this overlay 

Also this overlay is a nice idea to drop emul-linux-x86-* packages, it either 
requires continual
work or modification of many ebuilds in main tree to support this in long term. 
To avoid this, i
took the original multilib portage patch from kanaka, adjusted it to the 
current portage code and
added the ideas and code from the eclass version. The result is now a portage, 
which is able to
build any ebuild with additional 32bit lib support.

The current main regression are ebuilds and eclasses, which do not support this 
(e.g. perl modules
and mysql).

If anyone is interested:

-for the eclass version, which is mainly maintained by users and is mainly 
intended to only replace
the emul-linux-x86-* package: just add it via "layman -a multilib" (it should 
be pretty stable and
mostly working).

-for the portage version: It is also in the multilib overlay, but in a 
different branch called
portage-multilib. To use this, you should read the instructions at [1]
(doc/portage-multilib-instructions). This one should also mainly work, but 
there is probably a good
amount of packages in the main tree, which may refuse to work with it.

Bugreports: preferred way is #gentoo-multilib-overlay at irc.freenode.org, but 
we also have an
alias, where you can contact us: multi...@g.o

[1]: http://github.com/sjnewbury/multilib-overlay/tree/portage-multilib
Thomas Sachau

Gentoo Linux Developer

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