Richard Freeman <> said:
> Ryan Hill wrote:
> > I'm tired of playing, as I'm sure you are.  So please,
> > let's be quiet now, and let the big people talk.
> This is a public list designed to facilitate discussion of gentoo
> software development.  Anybody with something constructive to say is
> more than welcome to speak up - particularly gentoo staff.

the thing is though, nothing constructive is being said. people are going 
in circles. ciaran and co are pushing glep55 for reasons which they have 
stated gazillion of times and nothing new is coming about.

other people dislike glep55 for various reasons, but they clearly fail at 
proposing a (better) alternative (a competing GLEP).

while both parties claim thechnical superiority of their proposal, the 
difference is what amounts to the colour of a shed. the arguments used to 
support the respective superiority reflect that.

please, please DO write a competing GLEP if you dislike GLEP55. it's late, 
but you might just make it...

it is all too common in gentoo land to be against something. i want to see 
more people be in favor of (not necessarily the same) something.

kind regards

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