On Friday 29 May 2009 04:12:04 Ryan Hill wrote:
> On Thu, 28 May 2009 08:28:12 +0200
> Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > This is becoming a rather lengthy email ping pong, but as people seem to
> > be unable to discuss things I had to highlight a few issues there.
> I'm sorry to be rude,
Don't be, most other posters on this list have no guilt either ...

> but ever consider that the reason people keep
> repeating things to you is that you continually misunderstand what they're
> saying?
I'd say it is more the refusal of certain people to discuss at all.
The constant attempts to shove a rational discussion into emotional pockets 
makes it quite hard to get any information out of it, statements like:

> No, it's entirely objective. GLEP 55 clearly shows how the filename
> based options are objectively better than anything else.

are just wrong. It ignores one side of the conversation completely, not even 
accepting any potential value in their contribution. It's not a way to lead a 
technical discussion, and I'll do what I can to reduce such sophistry so we 
can _discuss_ things rationally.

If anyone needs help - there's a few experienced engineers on this list that 
can help you get your ideas into a form that can be presented, discussed and 
improved without having to repeatedly ask for clarification what the actual 
problem is. Don't be afraid to learn from them.

> I think that by now we've exhausted everything that can possibly be said
> about GLEP 55.  Nothing in this discussion is new, nor has it been for some
> time.  Can we please just stop now and trust the representatives that we've
> elected to make their decision?  Or should we go around the ring one more
> time?
Looking at how it went last time ... prepare for at least two further rounds 
of trying to convince people that their feelings are wrong. That, of course, 
is doomed to failure because our subjective reality cannot be falsified, but 
facts (and their darn liberal bias!) or logic are usually only accidentally 

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