
> Eventually, we should pass something like "-Dhostname=superhost" as
> cmdline parameter to uselect...

Didn't want to get into that detail. Afterall `hostname` will always
return the same regarding the host therefore it can be retrieved from
uselect's engine.

> I don't like to have anything interpreted after the usual and well-known
> comment-marker, this just feels hackish.

Agreed, it was just an "easy to read" example. Will adopt {} for those.

> I do have something like this content-syntax in mind for .uselect (or
> eventually some .uprofile) file:
> 8<8<8<
> version "0.1"
> include "path/to/another/uselect/file"
> profile "generic solaris" {
>   module A actionAX "valueAX1" "valueAX2"
>   module B actionBX "valueBX1" "valueBX2
> }
> profile "generic host" {
>   module C actionCX "valueCX1"
> }
> profile "superhost" {
>   inherit profile "generic solaris"
>   inherit profile "generic host"
>   module C actionCX "newvalueCX1"
>   module A actionAX "newvalueAX1" "newvalueAX2"
>   module D actionDY "valueBY1" "valueBY2"
> }
> profile "generic user" {
>   module E actionEX "valueEX1"
> }
> profile "user haubi" {
>   inherit profile "generic user"
>   module F actionFX "valueFX1"
> }
> profile "any user on superhost" {
>   module G actionGX "valueGX1"
> }
> profile "fallback host" {
>   inherit profile "generic host"
>   module A actionAX "valueAX1" "valueAX2"
> }
> activation "superhost activation" {
>   in category "host"
>   on fallback level 0
>   when $hostname matches string "superhost"
>   activate profile "superhost"
> }
> activation "haubi on superhost" {
>   in category "user"
>   on fallback level 0
>   when $username matches string "haubi"
>   when $hostname matches string "superhost"
>   activate profile "any user on superhost"
>   activate profile "user haubi"
> }
> activation "haubi" {
>   in category "user"
>   on fallback level 1
>   when $username matches string "haubi"
>   activate profile "user haubi"
> }
> activation "gentoo host" {
>   in category "host"
>   on fallback level 1
>   when $hostname matches regex ".*\.gentoo\.org"
>   activate profile "fallback host"
> }
> >8>8>8
> I'm not sure to have an ascending "fallback level" or descending
> "priority" value, but both should allow for negative integer values.

I'm not quite shure if this hierarchy fallback method is the most
adequate one. Again, remember that the profiles will be automatically
created and manipulation needs to be easy. I guess we can arrange for a
better way of managing this.

> The selection of one or more profiles is controlled by "activation"
> entries, independent for each "category". The order and selection of
> categories is done via a commandline argument, fex "--categories".

We are mixing some more complex concepts that don't need to be managed
this way. Let's see.

Types of Profiles:

something.uprofile <- local file profile
.uprofile <- folder profile
/usr/share/uprofiles/*.uprofile <- template profiles

Adding categories to a folder profile is the same as having several file
profiles into that directory and load them on demand. Why specify to
uselect --categories=something when you can "uselelect loadprofile
something" (loads .uselect folder profile first, and then overrides
settings as specified in something.uprofile).

> Profiles are selected when all of the "when" entries (besides "category"
> and "fallback level") in "activation {}" do match.
> Selected are *all* of the matching profiles in the *lowest* "fallback
> level" *only*, which does have at least one matching profile.
> And I'm thinking of something like this commandline:
> $ uselect \
>   --categories host,user \
>   --define hostname=`hostname` \
>   --define username=`whoami`
> > 
> > Remember that profile creation/storing/managing should be automatic and
> > nothing would need to be written by hand.
> Yes, would be fine. When using something like above configuration file
> syntax, some GUIding tool would be useful, at least to see which
> profiles are selected for specific cmdline args.

Mmm... later feature for more complex profiling. Let us stop now and
focus on simple profiling with easy managing.

> >  By other words, create a basic
> > profile automatically using your currently running settings and then
> > alter the profile with the util to add constrains to it.
> Sounds interesting...
> > Remember that
> > all the machines that this profile is read would need to have the same
> > uselect modules into it's /usr/share/uselect/modules or similar.
> Indeed, yes.
> > > Ha! This kind of inheritance tree could be a solution for my long
> > > standing bug here to simplify our way too complex environment script...
> > > 
> > 
> > This is a basic idea from softenv so it has has it's place into uselect.
> Don't know softenv. Found http://www.teragrid.org/userinfo/softenv/
> Do you mean this one?


> > The question now is, bloat it all into uselect or create a uprofile
> > util? I like the idea of having to use only uselect for basic profiling
> > and using uprofile for further managing.
> That's indeed the question.
> > Mmmm... As you wrote I realized: Complain if module versions are
> > different is not a bad idea at all... 
> Indeed, not only the configuration needs to be versioned, but the
> modules too.

On to-do!

> > 
> > Why would we need more that one profile file per project/folder anyway?
> Might not be necessary, at least not for non-profiled uselect.
> > > Uh, so many strange ideas!
> > > More of them?
> > 
> > Keep 'em coming! Thanks!
> Well, you have asked ;)
> /haubi/

Thanks again.

Sérgio Almeida <meph...@gmail.com>
mephx @ freenode

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